Cours disponibles

    الجامعية الصيفية
      درس تجريبي يتضمن رابط قوقل ميت

        En chimie, une solution est un mélange homogène (constitué d'une seule phase) résultant de la dissolution d'un ou plusieurs soluté(s) (espèce chimique dissoute) dans un solvant.

          الرياضيات هي مجموعة من المعارف المجردة الناتجة عن الاستنتاجات المنطقية

            هو العلم الذي يشمل كل النظريات و التقنيات التي تسمح بمعالجة المعلومة

            Phonetics. The sound system of English language 

            Here's a course description for "Lecture et Etude de Textes" (Reading and Text Analysis):

            Course Title: Lecture et Etude de Textes
            Level: First Year University
            Language of Instruction: English

            Teacher: Sami BERBACHE

            Main Resource: Reading Explorer Level 4

            Course Description:
            This course develops advanced reading comprehension and analytical skills for EFL university students through engaging with diverse academic texts. Using Reading Explorer Level 4 as the primary resource, students will explore contemporary topics in science, technology, culture, and global issues while building essential academic reading strategies and critical thinking skills.

            Course Objectives:
            - Develop advanced reading comprehension strategies for academic texts
            - Build academic vocabulary through contextual learning
            - Enhance critical analysis and interpretation of complex texts
            - Improve reading speed and efficiency while maintaining comprehension
            - Strengthen note-taking and summarizing skills
            - Foster independent reading habits and text analysis abilities

            Learning Outcomes:
            By the end of this course, students will be able to:
            - Apply various reading strategies to understand academic texts
            - Identify main ideas, supporting details, and authors' purposes
            - Make inferences and draw conclusions from complex texts
            - Analyze textual evidence to support interpretations
            - Synthesize information from multiple sources
            - Express analytical responses to texts both orally and in writing

            Assessment Methods:
            - Reading comprehension quizzes
            - Text analysis assignments
            - Vocabulary assessments
            - Class participation and discussion
            - Midterm examination
            - Final examination

            Weekly Time Allocation:
            - Lectures: 2 hours
            - Guided practice: 1 hour
            - Independent reading: 2-3 hours

            Intermediate to upper-intermediate English proficiency (B1-B2 level)

            Catégories de cours