Cours disponibles

    الجامعية الصيفية
      درس تجريبي يتضمن رابط قوقل ميت

        En chimie, une solution est un mélange homogène (constitué d'une seule phase) résultant de la dissolution d'un ou plusieurs soluté(s) (espèce chimique dissoute) dans un solvant.

          الرياضيات هي مجموعة من المعارف المجردة الناتجة عن الاستنتاجات المنطقية

            هو العلم الذي يشمل كل النظريات و التقنيات التي تسمح بمعالجة المعلومة

            The main aim of this course is to help English language learners develop their aural  and oral skills, both mandatory to think and communicate with the target language effectively and accurately.

            This module is designed to enhance EFL learners' ability to understand spoken English and effectively communicate orally. 

            It focuses on two core skills:

            1. Listening Comprehension: Students develop the ability to comprehend spoken English in various contexts, such as conversations, lectures, and multimedia content. The activities include listening exercises, note-taking, and comprehension quizzes, which aim to improve learners' understanding of vocabulary, intonation, and different accents.

            2. Oral Expression: This part of the module emphasizes improving students' speaking skills. Through discussions, presentations, and role-plays, learners practice pronunciation, fluency, and conversational strategies, fostering confidence and clarity in oral communication.

            This course focuses on sociolinguistics, examining the intricate relationship between language and society. Key topics include language variation, dialects, multilingualism, code-switching, and language policy. Students will explore how social factors such as class, gender, and region influence language use, with a particular emphasis on the Algerian context. Through lectures and tutorials, students will develop analytical skills to critically assess language in its social environment.

            Catégories de cours