Analysis is one of the two  fundamental  areas of pure mathematics that contains basic concepts of mathematical thinking, numbers, sequences, continuous and differentiable functions.

Target audience: First year bachelor's degree, specializing ing Mathematics and computer science.

The General purposes of Analysis 1: is to: 

  • Know by heart the vocabulary of set which helps to assimilate new concepts and reasoning mechanisms.
  • Understand the different methods to prove convergence and divergence of real sequences.
  • Collect the basic concepts of the analysis of functions with real variable.

The content of this course, titled “Electronic Components and Systems,” is intended for first-year MI students whose background is either computer science or mathematics. The main theme of this course is therefore the computer, its operating principle and its use in communication.
Thanks to the course's lessons  , the student will learn, on the one hand, that the computer is only an electronic device, then he will recognize its main parts (the central unit and the input/output peripherals), the operating principle of each part as well as the principle of their uses, the way of managing them and the mode of connection between these parts. 
On the other hand, the student will learn that this electronic device will not fulfill its main task (automatic processing of information) unless it contains what it calls 'operating system "OS", then he will learn what an 'OS', it principal components and its role. 
In the third section, the student will learn the notion of computer networks, their types, the field of use of each type and the devices that must be provided for each type of these networks.

Définition L’expression écrite est un acte signifiant qui amène l’étudiant à former et à exprimer ses idées, ses sentiments, ses intérêts, ses préoccupations, pour les communiquer à d’autres. Cette forme de communication exige la mise en œuvre des stratégies que l’étudiant sera appelé à maîtriser graduellement au cours de ses apprentissages

Le but de cette matière est d'introduire les notions de base de l'algèbre et de la théorie des ensembles.

مفاهيم هامة :
 الخوارزمية:  هي مجموعة من الخطوات الرياضية والمنطقية والمتسلسلة الالزمة لحل مشكلة ما بعدد منته من الخطوات فهي بذلك روح علم الحاسب. و سميت الخوارزمية بهذا االسم نسبة إلى العالم ابو جعفر محمد بن موسى الخوارزمي. 
 البرنامج:  هي توصيف لخوارزمية حل مسألة معينة بإحدى لغات البرمجة التي يقبلها الحاسوب.  لغة البرمجة:  هي مجموعة من المفردات والقواعد والدالالت المعرفة التي تسمح بكتابة برنامج يمكن تنفيذه على الحاسوب.
 (Compiler) المترجم : هو برنامج يفهم البرنامج المكتوب بلغة برمجة معينة ويحوله إلى برنامج مكافئ مكتوب بلغة المجمع Assembly الخاصة بالمعالج الصغري للحاسوب Microprocessor.