Ethique et déontologie

Ethique et déontologie

Objectives of the course:

Provide within the framework of this course the principles which govern the behavior of the different actors in higher education. Particular emphasis will be placed on ethics in the publication of scientific papers.

Integral equations

Integral equations

L’objectif de ce cours est de laisser les étudiants découvrir les notions de base des Équations Intégrales qui jouent un rôle important dans la bonne compréhension des caractéristiques et des
structures du problème de la mécanique et de la physique mathématique

Méthodologie de  recherche scientifique et  bibliographique

Méthodologie de recherche scientifique et bibliographique

The objective of this course is to learn methods for developing (developing arguments and mastering a bibliography), writing, and supporting a master 2 memory.

Espace topologique et  métrique floue

Espace topologique et métrique floue

Fuzzy set theory,  deals with vagueness and partial membership. Fuzzy topological spaces bridge these two concepts, allowing us to study topological properties in settings where boundaries aren't always crisp. This course will delve into the fascinating world of fuzzy topological spaces. We'll begin by establishing the fundamentals of fuzzy sets and traditional topology. Then, we'll formally define fuzzy topological spaces and explore their properties.  To that end, we present neutrosophic topological space as one of the most important generalized fuzzy topological spaces.