Introduction to ESP

Level: Licence

Year of study: 3rd year

Term/ semester: 5th semester

Credits: 02                                                                                        

Coefficient: 01

Hourly Volume: 1.5h / week

Course Objectives

- To explore the basic concepts needed in teaching ESP including language skills, needs

analysis, lesson planning, and assessment.

- The students will have a clear idea of how English is taught in different disciplines.


- Students should have background knowledge in teaching English for general purposes.

- Knowledge of the different theories of language and language learning.

Subject Contents      

Section 1: What is ESP?

- The origins of ESP

- The development of ESP (phases)

- ESP: An approach not a product.

Section 2: ESP and language skills

- ESP and speaking

- ESP and listening

- ESP and reading

- ESP and writing

- Vocabulary and ESP

Evaluation format:

50% - 50% Exam and continuous Assessment

Lecturer: Ms. Chahrazad Boulahia
