Listening Comprehension & Oral Expression

Listening Comprehension & Oral Expression

Module : Listening Comprehension & Oral Expression
Teacher in charge : HOURIA.KHELIFI
Coefficient : 01

Mode of Evaluation : CC 50/50

Teaching Objectives: 

- At the end of semester 6, the student is expected to be able to reach advanced speaking proficiency by broadening the range of vocabulary, learning to interact appropriately in everyday encounters, learning to narrate events in past and future tense, learning to take part in predictable scripts, learning to convey emotional nuances through intonation, and learning to use all structures commonly used in oral speech.

Module Content:

To reach the above-cited objectives, the teacher is invited to elaborate the appropriate activities. For these specific goals, one can use storytelling and plays performance as activities. -Storytelling has long held an important role in history. People have passed down stories from generation to generation. Storytelling has many key values in developing oral communication for both the individual telling the story and the people listening to the story being told. Among the values that storytelling instils in its participants is that it broadens learners’ literary and imaginative skills. Storytelling also improves the learners’ ability to listen, speak, imagine, compose phrases and increase their vocabulary. -The use of drama has been used over the course of history from the time of Aristotle, who believed that theatre provided people with a way to release emotions. Performing plays is also useful in developing oral communication. It brings together and integrates listening, speaking, and reading skills like no other single activity. It gives students a heightened awareness of the power of literature to evoke emotions from an audience. It engages learners in critical thinking and discussion

translation and interpretation

translation and interpretation

Contact Information:

Asma Benabbas

 -M.A.A- Teacher at University Center of Barika -

e-mail adress :

Objectives : 

By the end of the course, the learner will be in a position:

To distinguish between general translation and specialized translation.

To translate different kinds of texts from several specialties ( economics, science of education, psychology …).

To know how to evaluate the product of translation.


Target Learners: Third Year students.

Evaluation : 50%  -  50%

Study skills

Study skills

Study skills and the mechanics of conducting research in Applied Linguistics

Reading Comprehension & Writing Skills

Reading Comprehension & Writing Skills

  • Teaching Objectives:

- To write essays using different methods of organization and development.

- To help students make analytic reflection and criticism in their writing, and this requires the use of original ideas and arguments to defend these ideas.

  • Recommended Prerequisites:

- Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. - Good vocabulary.

- The ability to write an essay, including the strategies of writing an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Foreign Language - French

Foreign Language - French

Le contenu de ce semestre doit compléter et enrichir les connaissances linguistiques déjà acquises au cours du cursus universitaire.



Fundamental Unit n°1: Language Study

Subject title: Linguistics

Credits: 04

Coefficients: 03

Evaluation Mode: 50% TD / 50% Exam

Teacher: Khadidja Samira ZITOUNI


  • To develop an understanding of the basic subfields of psycholinguistics such as language acquisition and speech perception…etc. 
  • To explore the basic notions, approaches, and theories in the area of psycholinguistics.